Sunday, May 31, 2009

Down to the Dungeon With Ye

When the kids first found the doorway leading to the basement, their first question was "are there any dead bodies down there?"  We're still not sure.
The stairway leading downstairs is host to at least four undiscovered species of spider.  At least we think they are spiders.  Do spiders have 12 legs?
The stairwell is unfinished, with a few slabs of plywood and wallboard tacked up to dimish the dungeon appearance.  Personally, I like them.  Bwahahahahah.
We want to be able to finish the stairwell so that it is at least safe and somewhat appealing.  The stairs will always have to be steep, but at least we can make them even.  Right now, that first step is a doozy.

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