Sunday, June 28, 2009

A Big Red Surprise

Last weekend was probably the biggest weekend yet. Not only did we have a huge number of men make the trek up from Utah to work with us, but the scouts surprised us all by showing up Friday night as well. They had planned to camp down in southern Utah that weekend (there are some incredible camp sites down toward Goblin Valley), but instead chose to make the long trip up to Shelley to spend the weekend helping with the house. It was unbelievable what they were able to do, and it was so good to see them all again. If we don't have some national leaders out of that group, I'll be shocked.
The scouts made short work of the massive piles of debris that had been created by tearing down the garage and most of the guts of the house, but probably their favorite part was knocking off siding, breaking down doors, and wielding the hammers of mass destruction. Boys and sledgehammers are usually a dangerous combination, but it was great here. Moms, apologies if the boys came home and did more "remodeling" with their new-found slamming and prying skillz.

Fire is always one of the funnest parts of camping, and the boys quickly put together a great fire pit in the pasture area using some of the big river rocks that had been dug out of the basement. Saturday morning, the dutch oven maestros of Troop 1185 produced a popular favorite for breakfast...dutch oven souffle...yum.

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