Saturday, January 16, 2010

Saints and Stoners

Kirt, Geoergia, and Morgan came up and spent a big day laying in the stone on the front of the house. Their crew did the color coat on the house on the same day, all in one day!
They let us help by holding the rocks and saying "Ooooh, that looks great!" We were very happy to let the pros do the thinking work!
It was a cold morning that day, so it took a while to warm up enough that the stucco and stone could be worked on, but once things started, they moved in a hurry.
Kirt's crew made us look like slow-pokes with how fast they helped us finish the rock. It was a little too late to do the grouting on that same day, so some of Kirt's crew graciously stayed over to finish the grout the next day. Unbelievable how much they have sacrificed to be here.
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